!!! $$ Must Read Description Before Watching Video $$!!!
Follow This Step 1 To 5 and You will be able to Download Without any Problem
1) Click on Download Button few surveys will be displayed
2) Choose one of the given surveys and fill the first 1-2 or 3 pages with your Name, Email, Address, Zip Code etc [ Like the one above video shown, but you may get different Survey according to your country and their respective offers
3) Note: Every Survey are different, they are not the same, so you need to do that what will be displayed in your browser
3) Note: Every Survey are different, they are not the same, so you need to do that what will be displayed in your browser
4) Once Survey completed, the download will automatically unlock! and your download will then start!
TIP: Mobile/CellPhone Surveys unlock the download Faster (Pin Confirm) Receive SMS.
IMP: if you have any download manager, disable it or uninstall it
Note: if you have ads blocking software or any other adblock plus,.. Disable it
Note: it is very simple and fast, you don't need to spend any money for download file
5) Note: if your "Download File" does not automatically unlock after 5 minute, please choose another survey (Sometime this happen due to Server problem)